Monday 23 April 2012

Silk Cushion

I made this cushion as a gift for a friend - it's made from a lovely silk off-cut!
I embroidered the hearts on my sewing maching and then hand-sewed the sequins and beads on!
It's dual sided so hopefully if one side doesn't appeal the other will!!!
Finally I wrapped it up...aiming for a vintage look with brown paper, ribbon and hearts!

Am hoping my friend likes her gift!!

Sunday 1 April 2012

Applique Ballerina Canvas Picture!

Inspired by the lovely applique picture (below) by, I decided to make one of my own for my two-and-a-half year old niece.

The theme was pink (to match her new bedroom) and ballerinas (to match her latest craze!!).  Nit Wit Collections had a cute ballerina which I based my picture on!
I have just discovered 'bondaweb' which makes the whole process of applique far easier as it allows you to affix the applique pieces to the fabric before you sew round them!! - I have saved sooooo much time!!!
Above:  Applique pieces bond-a-webbed to the background fabric

Above: The bond-a-webbed fabric made sewing around the figure so much easier!
...I added a piece of chiffon type fabric to give a 3D effect for the ballerina skirt and added rose buds to the skirt and hair!

Below:  The fabric around the ballerina looked abit bare so I edged to corners with ribbons and buttons to complete the picture!

The picture has been mounted on a really cheap canvas and I'm really pleased with it!!